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- Why Choose Us
One of the distinctive offerings from CBBA is the college preparation and guidance provided to the student body. CBBA added last year to its academic curriculum an SAT test prep course to aid the student athletes in the studying and preparation for the test. Moreover, CBBA has a College Placement department which focuses on identifying the right opportunity for each student athlete depending on their academic performance and athletic ability.
The CBBA has a dynamic and high quality training program, it focuses on preparing and training students in the mental and athletic part of the game. From students who want to get sports scholarships in universities, to students who want to be signed to professionalism. We have highly trained and professional staff, who are also specialists in each of the specialties in each of the game positions to provide quality education
The CBBA Department of Physical Therapy focuses on the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of athletic injuries of our student athletes. Sports participation in inter-school tournaments and / or training at the institution involved in risk of injury.
Attend a try-out organized by the CBBA across the island and be chosen by the coaches as a participant who passed the test.
If the talent test is passed, the student must present a minimum general academic average of 2.50
Carlos Beltran Baseball Academy is a bilingual high school specializing in baseball. Talented young people between 9th and 12th grade, across our Island are exposed to a unique and innovative workshop in which student athletes stand out for balancing a demanding academic curriculum while developing their athletic skills to the fullest.
Discover Puerto Rico's Best School Specialized in Baseball
The Carlos Beltran Baseball Academy has been a great dream of Carlos Beltran and finally came true on August 18, 2011. The academy is a completely bilingual high school, which main purpose is to develop talented student athletes between 9th and 12th grade through a first level education and specialized training. CBBA’s unique approach prepares the student athletes to lead responsible and productive lives as compassionate human beings while developing as elite baseball prospects.
Carlos Beltran Baseball Academy highly competitive and rigorous college-preparatory academic CBBA: it is a school Without Walls, where the Pedagogical Principles, their methods and techniques are organized around the individualization. socialization, globalization, integration and self-education. Being a school Without Walls, we are all winners since this method is dedicated to:
Critical thinking
Research and Analysis Processes
Workshop of computers integrated to the course
Bibliographic services
The activities that the text suggests
And the best of all creativity
CBBA offers an innovative program that engages all student athletes, regardless of how proficient they could have been in a traditional classroom. The curriculum used enhances student analytical, reasoning, computer literacy, science, math, research, and problem solving skills. Throughout the academic year, CBBA invites professionals from different fields to speak, motivate, and develop relationship with the student athletes.
One of the distinctive offerings from CBBA is the college preparation and guidance provided to the student body. CBBA added last year to its academic curriculum an SAT test prep course to aid the student athletes in the studying and preparation for the test. Moreover, CBBA has a College Placement department which focuses on identifying the right opportunity for each student athlete depending on their academic performance and athletic ability.
The Carlos Beltran Baseball Academy has been a great dream of Carlos Beltran and finally came true on August 18, 2011. The academy is a completely bilingual high school, which main purpose is to develop talented student athletes between 9th and 12th grade through a first level education and specialized training. CBBA’s unique approach prepares the student athletes to lead responsible and productive lives as compassionate human beings while developing as elite baseball prospects.
On October 2021, CBBA received accreditation of the Middle State Association on Elementary and Secondary Schools for 7 years.
Asociacián de Escuelas Privadas de Puerto Rico
Carlos Beltran Baseball Academy offers a College Placement their students. Each class has been certified by the College Board, Colleges of NCAA, NJCAA, CCCAA, LAI, NAIA, USCAA. Our instructors are professionals.